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Forever one of my favorite families to photography year after year! I love more than anything, getting to see my client’s kids grown up between sessions.This time though we were accompanied by some insane 19 mph winds! My client’s are always so chill…

Branigan Family | Heber Valley


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What a beautiful and successful year of Lavender Field Minis!!It’s crazy to me how the light and tones change so much between each session. There’s such a beautiful light the entire time and depending on if you get direct sunlight or a cloudy day, it determines what type of lavender field session…

Lavender Field Minis 2022


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I found this location through a photographer friend and knew as soon as I saw it that I had to do a session there ASAP! So I found a model and we did the CUTEST little motherhood mini session there. I wanted…

Greenhouse Motherhood Mini Session


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One of my favorite little families I’ve gotten to photograph not just once, but twice now and with their new little addition this time! Last time we weren’t able to have dad attend the session so we were really excited to get to do some full family photos with everyone present! We decided…

Stearns Family Newborns


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I don’t do couple sessions super often, but I LOVE when I get to! There’s something so fun and special about capturing love between two people and it’s such a fun change up for me from my usual family sessions…

Blossom Session with Ryan & Diane


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I make it a goal, at least once a year, to make sure I continue my education somehow as a photographer. This year, 2022, I decided I wanted to mentor one-on-one with none other than.. Hannah Mann! I have admired her soft, whimsical, film look for years and decided I just had to learn from her. So I set up the session and made a trip with my family out to Boise, Idaho…

Mentoring Session with Hannah Mann Photography


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Oh I love a good outdoor newborn session! Especially one in the midst of gorgeous white and pink blossoms! We decided to brave the insane crowds and do a newborn session here, which honestly felt a little crazy.. but I’m so glad we did! The photos…

Chatteron Family Newborns | Caption Blossoms


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This was suuuuuch a beautiful in home newborn session. And with a fellow photographer as well! I always love getting to capture other photographers and their families, especially because it’s rare we

Martin Family Newborns


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The sweetest little fresh 48 I had the pleasure of shooting for a return client! I love being able to capture new family additions to families I already know. We were able to get a beautiful variety…

Romey’s Fresh 48

Fresh 48

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These are some close friends of mine, so when we knew the whole family was going to be in town, we had to make sure to get some pictures! I’m obsessed with the tones in this session! The browns, pinks…

Beus Family | Sunset in a Field


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