One of my top requested spring locations is 100% the Utah State Capitol blossoms! I truly can’t blame people.. It’s such a beautiful location that has the pathways lined with light pink and white blossoms and petals falling on the ground. The weather is usually just barely starting to warm up and there’s always a slight breeze. Because people love this location so much.. there are some things to know before going to the capitol for a session!
It is probably one of the busiest places in the entire state during this time of year! Truly! People love to come walk under the blossoms, have picnics and especially… TAKE PICTURES. When choosing this location you have to be prepared to have people walking in and out of your photos and being in the background of some images. I do my absolute best to minimize background people but the Capitol is so busy it’s hard to avoid sometimes.
The parking can also be a little crazy, so always plan to have to walk a bit to your location. During the session I try to walk around a bit to give different views but sometimes we get stuck in the same spot since it’s the only one available! Because of all this, this location is usually best for small intermediate families and not extended family sessions!
Don’t let any of this deter you from doing photos at the Capitol during spring! Just come prepared and you won’t be disappointed!

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